This creepy lookin' bleached raisin is Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association. He hosts the radio program, Focal Point, is the AFA's "Director of Issues Analysis," and is constantly trying to out-hatemonger Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church.
At approximately 1100 hours on January 3rd, 2012, Fischer really upped his game when he wrote an article for the AFA's blog "Rightly Concerned." It's content? Allow me to give you the first sentence of the article. "Homosexual sex ought to be against public policy, simply as a matter of public health. It is behavior which is immoral, unnatural and unhealthy." Do I have your attention, oh faithful reader? Good.
Below, in bold text, is the remainder of Fischer's commentary, in which he suggests that the government fine homosexuals every time they have sex. In regular print are my own little comments. I think this is easier than showing you the entirety of the article and then commenting on it. Let me know what you think is best in the comments below.
You don’t have to take my word for it - just check with the Centers for Disease Control, which tell us that in the history of the AIDS epidemic, 90% of all male victims contracted the disease through having sex with other men (60%), injection drug use (22%) or both (8%). Unrestrained gay sex is a public health menace, just as much a danger to human health as shooting up.
...Yes, please don't take his word for it. The CDC doesn't say that at all, and the only statistics I could find on their website took place between 1997-2000. That isn't the "history" of anything. It's a three year gap after the disease had flourished for more than ten years. Shooting up is, by the way, far more dangerous than gay sex. The last time I checked, gay men and women don't tweak out and stab people for gay sex money.
Thomas Jefferson, the leftist icon whom secular fundamentalists practically worship, wrote a law for the Virginia legislature calling for castration as the penalty, which would certainly take care of the recidivism problem. Now let us agree that homosexual behavior is a public health menace, and let us also agree that Jefferson’s penalty, although sanctioned by the Founding Fathers, is too extreme for such a delicate and hip society as ours. What should the sanction for gay sex be? That’s easy - whatever gay activists want it to be.
...First of all, Jefferson is not, to my knowledge, a leftist "icon", particularly because he did, in fact, believe that homosexual acts should be punishable by castration. Second of all, no, I will not agree that homosexual behavior is a public health menace. Thirdly, Fischer should stop sounding like an ignorant old man by using words like "hip" and "delicate" to describe American society. I can pick up on his patronizing sarcasm, and it pisses me off.
I suggest we willingly follow their lead, since they are out in force in Los Angeles demanding that certain forms of homosexual sex be punished with the force of the law. The AIDS Healthcare Foundation, which you will note is not the activist arm of the American Family Association, the Family Research Council or Focus on the Family, wants unprotected gay sex punished in the making of gay porn films.
...I'm a bit confused as to what point Fischer is trying to make here. "Certain forms of homosexual sex punished"? No, unprotected gay sex in pornography. You know, those videos where people have sex with other people on camera? Where, as a pornographic performer, you have sexual intercourse with several different human beings a week (sometimes a day), both friends and total strangers? So...yes. To stop the spread of HIV in a risky environment such as that, I agree that having unprotected sex of any kind is probably not the best idea.
...No. No, homosexual activists are not saying that gay sex is a public health menace. They are merely concerned that a disease transmitted through sex might flourish in a place where having sex is your fucking job. I have to wonder... does Fischer believe that HIV/AIDS can only be transmitted by gay men? I think so...
"There are thousands of STDs in this industry," said Michael Weinstein, president of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, adding that jurisdictions pass the issue around like a hot potato.
"It's the ick factor. They don't want to deal with this because it's sex, and because it's porn," he said. Wow. There is a homosexual activist talking about the “ick” factor of gay sex like he was Mike Huckabee or something. ...I think Fischer should leave the whole "trying to be funny" shtick to me.
Found over at the blog Michael-In-Norfolk.
Bottom line, this is where we ought to start: let’s impose fines on any homosexual who has unprotected sex with another homosexual, because that’s the sanction homosexual activists want to impose. Let’s support homosexual activists in their crusade to protect public health.
..."This is where we ought to start" is a lead in that scares the absolute shit out of me. Fischer has taken a rather pure idea, and has twisted it into its own evil twin. Disgusting. This quote, by the way, sums up who he is as a person.
You will sputter, but this is only for the gay porn industry! To which I reply, what, you want gay porn actors to have health protections that ordinary gays don’t get? That is clearly callous, cruel and discriminatory on top of everything else. Why should the only people whose health gets public protection be people who get paid to have sex? Aren’t ordinary people who do it out of lust entitled to the same protection, or do you activists not care about the little people?
...This is broken logic. Fischer is saying that to only limit such laws to porn actors would be discrimination - something he is, in fact, doing by talking about making homosexual sex a fine-worthy offense. He also leaves himself open to the reverse position - that unprotected heterosexual sex should be illegal as well if the couple involved are having sex out of lust.
This is far from a theoretical exercise, since conservative estimates are that more than 20% of active homosexuals are carriers of the AIDS virus. So there it is. Following the lead of homosexual activists, let’s make unprotected gay sex subject to a fine, out of compassion for homosexuals and out of a desire to do what we can to protect their fragile sexual health. It’s a place to start. So I say to the AIDS Healthcare Foundation in LA, “Bravo!” You keep leading, and we’ll keep following.
...It's unfortunate that the disease rates are higher in homosexual men than in heterosexual individuals (anal sex being more STD friendly, from what I read), but to estimate such a number is a bit presumptuous. On another note, the sickening sarcasm with which he words his final paragraph makes me want to paralyze his face. It really pisses me off that people like Fischer are allowed to spew this kind of filth simply because their religion allows them to. If Fischer's God does exist, I doubt He approves of what this man is saying.
So, loyal readers, here is where we ought to start: let's get a petition going that will make it illegal for Bryan Fischer to exist. Every time he takes a breath, he gets fined. He is, after all, a menace to public health.
The Second and Third quotes are my favorite, mostly because
they are completely false. Nazis hated homosexuals, and pedophiles
are far more likely to be older, straight men.
----I hesitate to add the link to his article, but it would be plagiarizing if I don't. If you go there and increase his traffic, be sure to leave a loving comment at the bottom. Bryan Fischer is a dildo.
He's probably gay!
Shaun! Good for you for keeping up with your blog writing...I think this is awesome!!!
You are oh, so welcome, Hannah!
This is one of those issues near and dear to my heart. 20%, by the way is nowhere near an accurate number. For example in Maine, the number is.006 percent or some small-ish number. Also, I'm not sure if this guy realizes it, but if the make it illegal to shoot "Unprotected" sex porn in California,they will shoot it somewhere else, like say, Russia,which for some reason makes alot of bareback...oops, I'm sorry "Unprotected sex" porn.
Those silly lil' Russians...
You are very welcome, Bluekamagra! I'm glad you enjoyed the read!
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