As our government moves to shutdown mode, all of our hope
rests on the efforts of an albino ghost and a tanned carrot.
We're fucked.
Everyone who is anyone is talking about the government shutdown that seems inevitable tonight at midnight. That's right, I said it. You aren't cool unless you are talking about this. I guess that means I'm not cool. The fact of the matter is, there are several reasons why I don't give a shit about whether the government shuts down tonight or not. Allow me to explain.
1.) We, as individuals in the United States of America, have little to no say as to what goes on at the Federal level. Hell, we hardly have any say at the State level (Example: my own state elected a pompous windbag that had only 38% of the vote). Bitching about the nuances of what a shutdown means will do absolutely nothing. It won't stop the House and Senate from getting paid, it won't give the military their money any faster, and it won't keep people at their desk. Why? Because we are fucking lazy. If all of the non-politicians in this country rose up, then hell yeah, we could do something about this. But we aren't going to band together. The closest thing we'll come to in terms of "rising up" is joining a Facebook page that might - might - make the news. And guess what, America? Senators don't give a flying fuck about Facebook.